Sawbench Accessories
Push Block
This Push Block from Linbide has a large convenient handle suitable for right or left hand application. A rubber friction pad is fitted on the face to push the work. Made in safety yellow. Excellent for sawbenches, router, planers and spindle moulders. 150mm long x 72mm wide.

126 Captain Springs Road
Te Papapa, Auckland
New Zealand
PO Box 12-275, Auckland
Telephone 64-9-636 4121
Facsimile 64-9-636 8851
Email sales@linbide.co.nz
126 Captain Springs Road
Te Papapa, Auckland
New Zealand
PO Box 12-275, Auckland
Telephone 64-9-636 4121
Facsimile 64-9-636 8851
Email sales@linbide.co.nz